Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I have the jiggiest hormones!

FS says: "Today you're going to have to learn how to accept some things you don't really like."

There are sooo many things in life we should be thankful for. We can eat, think, breathe, walk, see, taste, etc. AT! effortless pa. So why dwell on the things we don`t have or can`t do? (Like problems?) Oh yess. I`ve come to my senses. Eto na talaga. Haha! I think I`ve been wasting my time worrying about not having any kind of problem. Sge na, ako na mababaw. Pero, seriously. Napag isip isip ko den na tayo lang naman gumagawa ng problema naten, diba? Ang problema lang naman naten kapag nababadtrip tayo, eh.

Maybe the reason why I`m this happy is because my system got soo bored with me being so unhappy. Maybe my system thought of releasing the happy hormones instead. Hi Mr. Serotin, Endorphin and Ghrelin. It`s been sooo nice meeting you. Hope you`d stay with me for a looong time.

AND OH, maybe because I`m surround with the greatest people in the world. HI FRIENDS. :) I know you won`t be able to read this, but I just want you to know that I really am thankful for having you. If you were my favorite food, I`d rather drool over you and die than to lose you. You rocked my freaking worlddd.

And to YOu. Thank youuu. You`ve infected me with your awing optimism. See how happy you`ve made me? TOLDYA! Angel nga kase kita. :) Ohh, how I`ve longed to call someone MY angel.

*Another story popped in my head. Pero, saka na siguro. ;;)
NCAE test was easier than the mock test. Promise!

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